By agreeing to these terms and conditions you are agreeing to work for a set number of hours at the festival for which you’ve applied. This information will be communicated to you separately.
By agreeing to these terms and conditions you agree to the submission of your personal details to the Greenbox Events database. These will not be shared other than dtails required by event organiser in issueing passes under their electronic registration system. This will include email addresses and name and possibly postcode. Telephone numbers and other details are not shared. You can request these details are removed at anytime from our database, but you will need to reregister if you wish to continue volunteering. All personal details are automatically removed after 18 months of inactivity.
When working at events as a volunteer you will receive a pass to the event and access to shower and toilets.
The length and number of shifts necessary for completing a voluntary contract will vary between events and is stated in the event information page when you apply.
You will be asked to pay a deposit to cover costs in the event that you do not complete your voluntary shifts.
The deposit will be returned up to 28 days after all shifts have been completed, though in most cases this will be very much sooner if all repayment details are correct.
You will not get your deposit returned if you:
Fail to attend your briefing session
Fail to complete all of your shifts
Turn up late for any of your shifts
Breach these terms and conditions
Turn up without suitable clothing to carry out volunteering duties
Lose any uniform and/or equipment allocated to you
Cancel your application within 28 days of start of the event
If you lose your deposit you may, dependent on circumstances, also be prevented from working for Greenbox Events in the future.
Your deposit includes a £15 administration fee which is non-refundable. This means for example if your deposit is £200 then you will receive £185 back after completing your shifts.
If you cancel with less than 28 days notice prior to the start of the event then you will lose your deposit. If you cancel more than 28 days prior to the start of the event then you will receive your deposit back minus £15 admin fee and £50 cancellation fee.
Deposits are returned direct to stated bank account provided.
Greenbox Events takes no responsibility for money not returned to the person paying the deposit, only for returning to the account stated at time of application or changes to that account given by written notice and signed by the account holder.
Greenbox Events is not responsible for loss and damage to personal property or for injury through inappropriate behaviour or personal negligence.
By agreeing to these terms and conditions you are agreeing that if your performance is deemed less than satisfactory by Greenbox Events; you may be blacklisted thus unable to apply for further positions with Greenbox Events.
If you have to cancel an application then you must do this in writing by post or email to the Normal Business address of Greenbox Events stating clearly which job you have cancelled.